Release Notes

This document includes a summary of major changes for each revision of OBJ3. See the ChangeLog for detailed change logs for OBJ3.

Changes made to OBJ3 2.10

The 2.10 release updates OBJ3 to recent versions of GNU Common Lisp, CMU Common Lisp, Steel Bank Common Lisp, and CLISP. It also provides a pre-built executable for Fedora Core 3 on the x86 architecture and for Mac OS X 10.3.6.

Changes made to OBJ3 2.09

The 2.09 release updates OBJ3 to recent versions of gcl (2.5.3), CMU Common Lisp (18e), glibc (2.3), gcc (3.2), and provides a pre-built executable for a mainstream modern Linux distribution (RedHat 8.0).

Changes made to OBJ3 2.08

The 2.08 release is different than the 2.06 release in two ways:

  • Lutz Hamel's TRIM compiler has been integrated with the release.
  • The release has been tested with GCL 2.3.6 and GCL 2.4.0.

Changes made to OBJ3 2.06

The 2.06 release is different from the 2.05 release in two ways:

  • Several small changes have been made to the documentation to increase clarity and accuracy.
  • The release now does not include any binary files, it is only a source release. A separate download is now available to obtain pre-built executable(s).

Changes made to OBJ3 2.05

The 2.05 release of OBJ3 only has three major changes:

  • OBJ3 has been ported to GCL and currently compiles only under GCL 2.2.2 due to bug-list in GCL 2.2.3.
  • The entire OBJ3 distribution and been rebuilt and reorganized. Documentation is now much more complete, the distribution uses modern standard makefiles and web-based documentation.
  • OBJ3 now has a BSD-based license.