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A Kind Community
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A Kind Community:


We don't post job offerings for KindSoftware positions but once in a blue moon, but we're always interested in looking at new people who have something special to contribute. Our contacts in industry and academia are extensive and we love to help good people do what they enjoy for a living. So, even if no positions are listed below, don't be afraid to drop us a note with your resume and interests and we'll get right back to you and put you on file for future reference.

Contract Work

Companies who have openings relating to formal methods are welcome to send us job listings and we'll post them in this space. Whether you create great software, high speed VLSI, or perform research, if you use or create formal methods then we are always interested in hearing from you.

Collaboration Opportunities

Finding like-minded individuals in a field as marginal as formal methods is sometimes a difficult task. If you have a project proposal, are working on some new Open Source library, or need an academic collaborator with specific formal methods expertise, please drop us a line and we'll post your information in this space. We want to help people come together and, through the catalyst of KindSoftware, spread the word of applied formal methods.